martes, 23 de junio de 2015



Since declaring independence on 20 July 1810 and achieving it in 1819, Colombia has changed its name seven times. Regional cultural traditions are diverse, with a broad range of distinct groups that have unique customs, accents, social patterns, and cultural adaptations. These groups are classified into three cultures: those in the interior, the countryside, and the coastal regions. Only during elections, sporting events, and beauty pageants do the regional cultures unite for a common goal.

Food in Daily Life.
Most middle-class families eat elaborate meals that reflect Spanish and indigenous traditions. A typical meal is identified by size rather than content, such as a light breakfast, a substantive midday lunch, and a lighter meal in the early evening. Dinner consists of fresh fruit, homemade soup, and a main dish with meat or fish accompanied by rice and/or potatoes. Lower-income people eat a more carbohydrate-rich diet. Meals usually end with a very sweet dessert, frequently made from panela, a type of brown sugar.

There are regional differences in foods. In the interior rural regions, a hearty breakfast consists of a strip of pork, rice and beans, sweet plantains, and a large steak with fried eggs. Dinner is similar, except for the eggs. In the coastal region, the emphasis is on seafood. In Cartagena, the typical lunch consists of rice with coconut, fried plantains, and shrimp. Colombians enjoy a variety of national and international cuisines.

Holidays of Colombia

Date              Holiday
January 01 New Years Day
January 12 Epiphany (observed)
March 23  St Josephs Day
April 02   Maundy Thursday
April 03  Good Friday                            
1/05/2015  May Day
10/05/2015  Mothers Day
18/05/2015  Ascension Day (observed)
June 08   Corpus Christi (observed)
June 15   Sacred Heart
June 21  Fathers Day
June 29  Saint Peter and Saint Paul
July 20  Declaration of Independence
August 07  Battle of Boyacá
August 17  Assumption Day (observed)
October 12  Columbus Day
November 02  All Saints Day (observed)
November 16  Independence of Cartagena
December 08  Immaculate Conception Day
December 25  Christmas Day


By Diego Almeida

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